Eduardo Enrique Lara Petrovich, industrial mechanic, Communist Party militant. Detained by DINA on July 15, 1974. Taken to Londres 38 and later to Quatro Alamos. His name appears in the list of the 119 militants who allegedly killed each other in exile Victim of Operacion Colombo.

Germán Moreno Fuenzalida, employed at Hospital San Borja, MIR militant. Detained by DINA on July 15 1974. Taken to Londres 38 and later transferred to Quatros Alamos until August 5, 1974 when Fuenzalida was allegedy set free. No information about his disappearance has been made public.

José Caupolicán Villagra Astudillo, linked to Partido Comunista, detained by DINa on July 15, 1974. No official declaration regarding his detention and disappearance is available. Victim of Operacion Colombo.

Máximo Antonio Gedda Ortiz, journalist, MIR militant, detained by DINA on July 16, 1974. Former detainees declare having seen him at Londres 38, severely tortured presumably by Miguel Krassnoff Martchenko, Osvaldo Romo and another agent nicknamed 'El Troglo'. DINA erroneously declared Gedda Ortiz to be in exile. His fate at the hands of DINA is still unknown.

Luis Rolando Tapia Concha, Professor of English, Communist Party sympathiser. Detained on April 20, 1974 by Servicio de Inteligencia Militar SIM). Taken to Escuela de Artilleria del Ejercito according to testimony by former detainee Gilberto Alegria Vargas. Tapia was interrogated and tortured in a quest to obtain further information. Military prosecutor erroneously declared that Tapia had escaped from custody. No further information about his disappearance has been divulged.

Artemio Segundo Gutiérrez Avila, MIR militant. Detained by DINA on July 13, 1974 and taken to Londres 38. Registered as a detainee in Tres Alamos and later featured on a list of 200 detainees allegedly deported to Mexico. Ministry of Interior later admitted detention, citing Cuatro Alamos as destination. Apart from official recognition of detention, his family has not been able to trace his fate at the hands of DINA.

Lenín Adán Díaz Silva, economist, Communist Party leader, detained on May 9, 1976. Isaac Godoy Otro, former detainee at Villa Grimaldi in 1976 claims to have seen Lenín Díaz at the torture centre, together with 14 other detainees. No further information about his detention and disappearance have surfaced, despite continuous efforts and direct pleas to DINA's Colonel Manuel Contreras.

Víctor Manuel Díaz López, Sub-secretary of the Chilean Communist Party, detained on May 12, 1976 by DINA agents. Probably disappeared from Cuartel Simon Bolivar, according to testimony by Jorgelino Vergara Bravo (El Mocito).

Rosa Elvira Soliz Poveda, nursing student, Socialist Party militant. Detained by DINA on July 7, 1975. No further information about subsequent detention and disappearance.

Juan René Molina Mogollones, MIR militant. Detained on January 29, 1975 at 17:00, together with Patricia Zúñiga Barros, by ten DINA agents. Tortured on the parilla by Osvaldo Romo Mena and Marcelo Moren Brito at Villa Grimaldi. Later transferred to the section of Villa Grimaldi known as 'La Torre' and subsequently disappeared in unknown locations. Victim of Operacion Colombo.

Ulisses Jorge Merino Varas, socialist militant. Detained by DINA on February 2, 1976, at 14:30. Testimony by anonymous witnesses claims he was last seen at Tres Alamos, a detention and torture centre administered by DINA.

Humberto Patricio, student, MIR militant. Detained by DINA on February 10, 1975. No witnesses to his fate in detention. His family were informed that he was seen in Cuatro Alamos, but the information was never confirmed.

Manuel Edgardo Del Carmen Cortez Joo, MIR militant. Detained by DINA on February 14, 1975. According to testimony, Cortez was arresnted whilst trying to prevent the detention of his friend and MIR militant, Hugo Daniel Ríos Videla. Detained in Villa Grimaldi and subsequently disappeared. Victim of Operacion Colombo.

Hugo Daniel Ríos Videla, age 21, student, MIR militant. Detained by DINA on February 14, 1975. Detained in Villa Grimaldi. Victim of Operacion Colombo.

Juan Carlos Perelman Ide, engineer, MIR militant. Detained by DINA on February 20, 1975. Disappeared from Villa Grimaldi on February 29, 1975. Victim of Operacion Colombo.

Alfredo Rojas Castañeda, Socialist Party militant, detained briefly by DINA in late September 1974, tortured and released after 10 days. Re-arrested by DINA agents Osvaldo Romo and Luz Arce Sandoval in late January or early February 1975. Taken to Villa Grimaldi and released within a few hours. On March 4, 1975, Rojas was once again detained and taken to Villa Grimaldi, where he was subjected to torture. Last seen in the second week of April, 1975.

César Arturo Emiliano Negrete Peña, engineer, MIR militant. Detained on December 9, 1974 by DINA and taken to Venda Sexy. Later transferred to Villa Grimaldi and disappeared.

Marta Silvia Neira Muñoz, secretary, affiliated to MIR. Detained on December 9, 1974 by four DINA agents and taken to detention and torture centre known as Venda Sexy. Seen by other detainees and described as having been severely tortured. Disappeared from Venda Sexy.

Gerardo Ernesto Silva Saldívar, university student and MIR militant, detained on December 10, 1974 by DINA. Seen by other detainees at detention and torture centre known as Venda Sexy. Taken to Villa Grimaldi on December 24, 1974 until the beginning of 1975, when he was subsequently disappeared after taken to an undisclosed location. Victim of Operacion Colombo.

María Teresa Eltit Contreras, student, MIR militant, detained by DINA on December 12, 1974. Testimony by other detainees place Eltit at Villa Grimaldi until January 8, 1975. Taken to an undisclosed location and disappeared, together with María Isabel Joui Petersen, Renato Sepúlveda Gajardo and another prisoner described as dark skinned and young whose identity remains unknown to this day.

Rodolfo Arturo Marchant Villaseca, Partido Socialista militant. Detained on January 2, 1975 and subsequently disappeared. Official statement from DINA declares his death a result of internal strife within socialist militant groups. His name appears on the list of the 119 victims of Operacion Colombo.

Ramón Isidro Labrador Urrutia, MIR militant from the province of Cautín. On March 25, 1974, together with 61 other MIR militants, Isidro Labrador presented himself voluntarily at a tribunal. Detained on December14, 1974 by unknown assailants and, according to testimonies, detained in Venda Sexy by DIINA and later disappeared. Wtinesses claim Isidro Labrador was shot in the leg, his wounds were infected and was suffering from gangrene at the time of detention.

Luis Dagoberto San Martín Vergara, university student and MIR militant. Detained on December 17, 1974. Detained by DINA in torture centre known as Venda Sexy. Not seen by his family since his detention in this location.

Miguel Andrés Heredia Vásquez, employed by Servicio Nacional de salud, militant of Juventud Comunistas. Detained on December 26, 1973 at Hospital Barros Lucos. Interrogated on january 9, 1974 by Servicio de Intelligencia Militar and transferred to Tejas Verdes, under the command of Colonel Manuel Contreras. Last seen in Tejas Verdes on January 28, 1974.
María Isabel Beltrán Sánchez, university student and MIR militant, detained on December 18, 1973 by officials from Escuela de Artillería de Linares. Last seen in Escuela de Artillería, together with MIR militants Héctor Hernán Contreras Cabrera, Alejandro Mella Flores and Anselmo Cancino Aravena, who were disappeared between December 1973 and January 1974.

Francisco Javier Alejandro Rozas Contador, photographer and MIR militant. Detained by DINA on December 20, 1974, in Santiago and subsequently disappeared..

María Angélica Andreoli Bravo, MIR militant. detained by DINA with the help of Marcia Merino Vega on August 6, 1974. Tortured and disappeared at Villa Grimaldi. Victim of Operacion Colombo.

Muriel Dockendorff Navarrete, sutdent leader and MIR militant. Detained by DINA with the help of tortured MIR militant Marcia Alejandra Merino on August 6, 1974. Statements confirm Dockendorff's detention in torture centres Cuatro Alamos and Villa Grimaldi, subsequently disappeared. Victim of Operacion Colombo.

Alfonso Rene Chanfreau Oyarse, MIR militant, detained by DINA on July 30, 1974 and tortured at Londres 38. Taken to another, unspecified location on August 13, 1974 and disappeared. Victim of Operacion Colombo.

Rudy Carcamo Ruiz, detained in November 1973 and freed in July 1974. Subsequently detained on 27/11/1974 and tortured to death in Campo de Prisioneros del Centro de Inteligencia Regional en la Base Naval de Talcahuano de la Armada Nacional. Remains illegally exhumed during Operación Retiro de Televisores.

Germán Moreno Fuenzalida, employed at Hospital San Borja, MIR militant. Detained by DINA on July 15 1974. Taken to Londres 38 and later transferred to Quatros Alamos until August 5, 1974 when Fuenzalida was allegedy set free. No information about his disappearance has been made public.

José Caupolicán Villagra Astudillo, linked to Partido Comunista, detained by DINa on July 15, 1974. No official declaration regarding his detention and disappearance is available. Victim of Operacion Colombo.

Máximo Antonio Gedda Ortiz, journalist, MIR militant, detained by DINA on July 16, 1974. Former detainees declare having seen him at Londres 38, severely tortured presumably by Miguel Krassnoff Martchenko, Osvaldo Romo and another agent nicknamed 'El Troglo'. DINA erroneously declared Gedda Ortiz to be in exile. His fate at the hands of DINA is still unknown.

Luis Rolando Tapia Concha, Professor of English, Communist Party sympathiser. Detained on April 20, 1974 by Servicio de Inteligencia Militar SIM). Taken to Escuela de Artilleria del Ejercito according to testimony by former detainee Gilberto Alegria Vargas. Tapia was interrogated and tortured in a quest to obtain further information. Military prosecutor erroneously declared that Tapia had escaped from custody. No further information about his disappearance has been divulged.

Artemio Segundo Gutiérrez Avila, MIR militant. Detained by DINA on July 13, 1974 and taken to Londres 38. Registered as a detainee in Tres Alamos and later featured on a list of 200 detainees allegedly deported to Mexico. Ministry of Interior later admitted detention, citing Cuatro Alamos as destination. Apart from official recognition of detention, his family has not been able to trace his fate at the hands of DINA.

Lenín Adán Díaz Silva, economist, Communist Party leader, detained on May 9, 1976. Isaac Godoy Otro, former detainee at Villa Grimaldi in 1976 claims to have seen Lenín Díaz at the torture centre, together with 14 other detainees. No further information about his detention and disappearance have surfaced, despite continuous efforts and direct pleas to DINA's Colonel Manuel Contreras.

Víctor Manuel Díaz López, Sub-secretary of the Chilean Communist Party, detained on May 12, 1976 by DINA agents. Probably disappeared from Cuartel Simon Bolivar, according to testimony by Jorgelino Vergara Bravo (El Mocito).

Rosa Elvira Soliz Poveda, nursing student, Socialist Party militant. Detained by DINA on July 7, 1975. No further information about subsequent detention and disappearance.

Juan René Molina Mogollones, MIR militant. Detained on January 29, 1975 at 17:00, together with Patricia Zúñiga Barros, by ten DINA agents. Tortured on the parilla by Osvaldo Romo Mena and Marcelo Moren Brito at Villa Grimaldi. Later transferred to the section of Villa Grimaldi known as 'La Torre' and subsequently disappeared in unknown locations. Victim of Operacion Colombo.

Ulisses Jorge Merino Varas, socialist militant. Detained by DINA on February 2, 1976, at 14:30. Testimony by anonymous witnesses claims he was last seen at Tres Alamos, a detention and torture centre administered by DINA.

Humberto Patricio, student, MIR militant. Detained by DINA on February 10, 1975. No witnesses to his fate in detention. His family were informed that he was seen in Cuatro Alamos, but the information was never confirmed.
Alfredo Rojas Castañeda, socialist party militant. Detained briefly by DINA in September 1974 and tortured at Jose Domingo Cañas. Rearrested in February 1975 by DINA agents Osvaldo Romo and Luz Arce Sandoval. Transferred to Villa Grimaldi and released after a few hours. Arrested once again on March 4, 1974 and tortured at Villa Grimaldi. According to testimony, Rojas was held in La Torre. Last seen alive in the second week of April, 1975.
Manuel Edgardo Del Carmen Cortez Joo, MIR militant. Detained by DINA on February 14, 1975. According to testimony, Cortez was arresnted whilst trying to prevent the detention of his friend and MIR militant, Hugo Daniel Ríos Videla. Detained in Villa Grimaldi and subsequently disappeared. Victim of Operacion Colombo.

Hugo Daniel Ríos Videla, age 21, student, MIR militant. Detained by DINA on February 14, 1975. Detained in Villa Grimaldi. Victim of Operacion Colombo.

Juan Carlos Perelman Ide, engineer, MIR militant. Detained by DINA on February 20, 1975. Disappeared from Villa Grimaldi on February 29, 1975. Victim of Operacion Colombo.

Alfredo Rojas Castañeda, Socialist Party militant, detained briefly by DINA in late September 1974, tortured and released after 10 days. Re-arrested by DINA agents Osvaldo Romo and Luz Arce Sandoval in late January or early February 1975. Taken to Villa Grimaldi and released within a few hours. On March 4, 1975, Rojas was once again detained and taken to Villa Grimaldi, where he was subjected to torture. Last seen in the second week of April, 1975.

César Arturo Emiliano Negrete Peña, engineer, MIR militant. Detained on December 9, 1974 by DINA and taken to Venda Sexy. Later transferred to Villa Grimaldi and disappeared.

Marta Silvia Neira Muñoz, secretary, affiliated to MIR. Detained on December 9, 1974 by four DINA agents and taken to detention and torture centre known as Venda Sexy. Seen by other detainees and described as having been severely tortured. Disappeared from Venda Sexy.

Gerardo Ernesto Silva Saldívar, university student and MIR militant, detained on December 10, 1974 by DINA. Seen by other detainees at detention and torture centre known as Venda Sexy. Taken to Villa Grimaldi on December 24, 1974 until the beginning of 1975, when he was subsequently disappeared after taken to an undisclosed location. Victim of Operacion Colombo.

María Teresa Eltit Contreras, student, MIR militant, detained by DINA on December 12, 1974. Testimony by other detainees place Eltit at Villa Grimaldi until January 8, 1975. Taken to an undisclosed location and disappeared, together with María Isabel Joui Petersen, Renato Sepúlveda Gajardo and another prisoner described as dark skinned and young whose identity remains unknown to this day.

Rodolfo Arturo Marchant Villaseca, Partido Socialista militant. Detained on January 2, 1975 and subsequently disappeared. Official statement from DINA declares his death a result of internal strife within socialist militant groups. His name appears on the list of the 119 victims of Operacion Colombo.

Ramón Isidro Labrador Urrutia, MIR militant from the province of Cautín. On March 25, 1974, together with 61 other MIR militants, Isidro Labrador presented himself voluntarily at a tribunal. Detained on December14, 1974 by unknown assailants and, according to testimonies, detained in Venda Sexy by DIINA and later disappeared. Wtinesses claim Isidro Labrador was shot in the leg, his wounds were infected and was suffering from gangrene at the time of detention.

Luis Dagoberto San Martín Vergara, university student and MIR militant. Detained on December 17, 1974. Detained by DINA in torture centre known as Venda Sexy. Not seen by his family since his detention in this location.

Miguel Andrés Heredia Vásquez, employed by Servicio Nacional de salud, militant of Juventud Comunistas. Detained on December 26, 1973 at Hospital Barros Lucos. Interrogated on january 9, 1974 by Servicio de Intelligencia Militar and transferred to Tejas Verdes, under the command of Colonel Manuel Contreras. Last seen in Tejas Verdes on January 28, 1974.
María Isabel Beltrán Sánchez, university student and MIR militant, detained on December 18, 1973 by officials from Escuela de Artillería de Linares. Last seen in Escuela de Artillería, together with MIR militants Héctor Hernán Contreras Cabrera, Alejandro Mella Flores and Anselmo Cancino Aravena, who were disappeared between December 1973 and January 1974.

Francisco Javier Alejandro Rozas Contador, photographer and MIR militant. Detained by DINA on December 20, 1974, in Santiago and subsequently disappeared..

María Angélica Andreoli Bravo, MIR militant. detained by DINA with the help of Marcia Merino Vega on August 6, 1974. Tortured and disappeared at Villa Grimaldi. Victim of Operacion Colombo.

Muriel Dockendorff Navarrete, sutdent leader and MIR militant. Detained by DINA with the help of tortured MIR militant Marcia Alejandra Merino on August 6, 1974. Statements confirm Dockendorff's detention in torture centres Cuatro Alamos and Villa Grimaldi, subsequently disappeared. Victim of Operacion Colombo.

Alfonso Rene Chanfreau Oyarse, MIR militant, detained by DINA on July 30, 1974 and tortured at Londres 38. Taken to another, unspecified location on August 13, 1974 and disappeared. Victim of Operacion Colombo.

Rudy Carcamo Ruiz, detained in November 1973 and freed in July 1974. Subsequently detained on 27/11/1974 and tortured to death in Campo de Prisioneros del Centro de Inteligencia Regional en la Base Naval de Talcahuano de la Armada Nacional. Remains illegally exhumed during Operación Retiro de Televisores.
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