The sentence pertained to Judge Crisosto's first case regarding human rights violations committed during the dictatorship era.
Former DINA chief Manuel Contreras, as well as former DINA agents Cesar Manriquez Bravo, Pedro Espinoza Bravo, Marcelo Moren Brito, Miguel Krassnoff Martchenko, and Gerardo Urrich Gonzales were sentenced to 13 years in prison for their role in the kidnapping and disappearance of Grez.
The case pertained to investigation previously carried out by the late Judge Victor Montiglio. Montiglio was also responsible for the investigations into the Calle Conferencia cases, as well as the torture and extermination centre, Cuartel Simon Bolivar.
A former philosophy student, Grez was kidnapped on May 23, 1974 while at an art gallery in Santiago and transferred to torture centres Londres 38, Estadio Chile and Cuatro Alamos. According to testimony, Grez was blindfolded and subjected to continuous torture by DINA agents, in attempts to force the divulging of information pertaining to militant activities and the whereabouts of his companions. Grez was allegedly last seen in July 1974.
Other agents sentenced by Judge Crisosto:
Sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for responsibility in the kidnapping of Grez
Raúl Eduardo Iturriaga Neumann; Gerardo Ernesto Godoy García; Ricardo Víctor Lawrence Mires; Ciro Ernesto Torré Sáez; Sergio Hernán Castillo González; Manuel Andrés Carevic Cubillos; José Nelson Fuentealba Saldías; Basclay Humberto Zapata Reyes; José Enrique Fuentes Torres; José Mario Fritz Esparza; Julio José Hoyos Zegarra; Nelson Alberto Paz Bustamante; Claudio Orlando Orellana de la Pinta; Enrique Tránsito Gutiérrez Rubilar; Gustavo Galvarino Carumán Soto; Hiro Álvarez Vega; José Alfonso Ojeda Obando; Luis Salvador Villarroel Gutiérrez; Olegario Enrique González Moreno; Orlando Jesús Torrejón Gatica; Rudeslindo Urrutia Jorquera; Alfredo Orlando Moya Tejeda; Carlos Alfonso Sáez Sanhueza; Fernando Enrique Guerra Guajardo; Hernán Patricio Valenzuela Salas; Hugo Rubén Delgado Carrasco; José Fernando Morales Bastías; Juan Alfredo Villanueva Alvear; Juan Evaristo Duarte Gallegos; Lautaro Eugenio Díaz Espinoza; Leonidas Emiliano Méndez Moreno; Pedro Ariel Araneda Araneda; Rafael De Jesús Riveros Frost; Víctor Manuel Alvarez Droguett; y Víctor Manuel Molina Astete.
Sentenced to 4 years imprisonment for complicity in kidnapping of Grez:
Luis Eduardo Mora Cerda; José Jaime Mora Diocares; Alfonso Humberto Quiroz Quintana; Camilo Torres Negrier; Carlos Justo Bermúdez Méndez; Claudio Enrique Pacheco Fernández; Fernando Adrián Roa Montaña: Gerardo Meza Acuña; Héctor Raúl Valdebenito Araya; Jaime Humberto Paris Ramos; Jorge Laureano Sagardia Monje; José Dorohi Hormazábal Rodríguez; José Manuel Sarmiento Sotelo; José Stalin Muñoz Leal; Juan Manuel Troncoso Soto; Juvenal Alfonso Piña Garrido; Luis René Torres Méndez; Manuel Antonio Montre Méndez; Máximo Ramón Aliaga Soto; Moisés Paulino Campos Figueroa; Nelson Aquiles Ortiz Vignolo; Nelson Eduardo Iturriaga Cortes; Orlando Enrique González Moreno; Pedro Segundo Bitterlich Jaramillo; Reinaldo Alfonso Concha Orellana; Sergio Hernán Castro Andrade; Gustavo Humberto Apablaza Meneses; Héctor Carlos Díaz Cabezas; Jorge Antonio Lepileo Barrios; Luis Fernando Espinace Contreras; Oscar Belarmino La Flor Flores; Rufino Espinoza Espinoza y Sergio Iván Díaz Lara.
Impunity: In the case of former DINA agent Victor Manuel de la Cruz San Martin Jimenez, accomplice in the kidnapping of Grez, the four year prison sentence was suspended on account of alleged dementia.
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